Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Ancient Visayan Deities[edit source | editbeta]
This section includes the deities of the Visayans from a certain pantheon story.[18]
Name God(dess) of Generation
Kaptan The supreme god who dwells in the sky. He is the Ancient Visayan counterpart of Bathala. Of all the supreme deities in the Visayas, he is the most worshiped by the natives. He had a daughter named Lihangin.[19] First
Magwayen The goddess of the sea who is believed to take the souls of the dead in Sulad (Ancient Visayan counterpart of Hell). She had a son named Lidagat.[20] First
Lihangin The goddess of the wind and the daughter of Kaptan. He later married Lidagat and had four children.[21] Second
Lidagat The god of the sea after Magwayen. She later married Lihangin and had four children.[22] Second
Likabutan The god of the world and the eldest children of Lihangin and Lidagat.[23] Third
Ladlaw The god of the sun and the second children of Lihangin ang Lidagat.[24] Third
Libulan The goddess of the moon and the third children of Lihangin and Lidagat.[25] Third
Lisuga The deity in which Silalak and Sibabay came from. She was the youngest children of Lihangin and Lidagat.[26] Third
Other Visayan deities[edit source | editbeta]
The list includes the gods and goddesses who haven't have a unified pantheon within the Visayan deities mentioned in Table #5.
Name God(dess) of
Adlaw God of the Sun
Alunsina She was the virgin goddess of the eastern skies.
Bangun Bangun God of time and cosmic movements.
Barangaw He is the god of the rainbow.[27]
Bulalakaw Bird god, causer of illness.
Burigadang Pada Sinaklang Bulawan Goddess of greediness.
Dalikamata The many-eyed goddess, cures eye illnesses.
Inaginid and Malandok God invoked for success in battle and plunder.
Kan-Laon The supreme god worshiped by the Ancient Visayans who lived in the Negros Island that dwells in Mount Kanlaon. As well as Kaptan, he is the Ancient Visayans counterpart of Bathala).and he is the god of time [28]
Kasaraysarayan sa Silgan God of rivers.
Lalahon She is the goddess of fire, volcanoes and harvest.[29] In ancient times, Ancient Visayans blamed her for sending armies of locusts to destroy their harvests. In response, natives will offer her gifts in order to please her and prevent her from doing that.[30]
Lubay-Lubyok Hanginun si Mahuyokhuyokan Goddess of the night breeze.
Luyong Baybay Goddess of the tides.
Magdang Diriinin God of the lakes.
Maklium sa Tiwan God of the valleys and plains.
Maklium sa Tubig God of the sea.
Munsad Buralakaw God of politics and affairs of men.
Nagined, Arapayan, and Makbarubak God who could be appealed to when concocting poisonous oil.
Nagmalitong Yawa Sinagmaling Diwata Goddess of lust and demons. Sister of Burigadang Pada Sinaklang Bulawan.
Pahulangkug God of seasons.
Paiburong God of the middle world.
Pandaki God who rescues the deserving for a more pleasant fate.
Panlinugun Ruler of the underworld, god of earthquakes.
Ribung Linti God of lightning and thunder.
Santonilyo God of graces.
Saraganka Bagyo God of storms.
Saragnayan God of darkness.
Sidapa The god of death who is said to reside on top of Mount Madia-as in province of Antique.[31]
Siginarugan He is identified as the god of the underworld.[32]
Suimuran and Suiguinarugan Gods of hell, the final destination for all deceased souls.
Suklang Malayon Goddess of homeliness, sister of Alunsina.
Sumalongson God of the rivers and the sea.
Sumpoy God of the afterlife.
Tungkung Langit Upper world and supreme god, counterpart of Bathala.
Ynaguinid and Macanduc Gods of war / battle.

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