Prophet (s.a.w) said "Nothing like it (Al fatiha) has been revealed in the Tawrah (Torah), nor the Injeel (gospel), nor in the Zabur (the Pslams), or the Furqaan. And it is the seven oft-repeated verses and the Mighty Qur'an which i have been given. [2884 Tirmidhi, BOOK ON VIRTUES OF THE QUR’AN Chapter 1: Virtues al-Fatihah, Agreed Upon]
Surah Al Fatiha is also used as Ruqyah for healing and treatment. [See Sahih Muslim Book 26, Hadith 5458 and Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 6, Book 61, Hadith 529]
The Fatiha of the book is a cure of the poison [Silsilah Ahadeeth Da'eefa : 3997]
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) saying: "Do not turn your houses into graveyards. Satan runs away from the house in which Surat Al-Baqarah is recited." [Muslim, Riyad us swaliheen Book 9, Hadith 1018].
He (s.a.w) said, Hood and its sister from among the Mufassal (The last seventh of the Qur'aan, beginning with soorah Qaaf (no. 50) according to the soundest view to the end of the Quran) have made me grey [Sahih Al Jami' as Sagheer 3722]
Anas (r.a) mentioned that A man said to the Prophet, 'I really love this surah'. The Prophet replied,'And your love for it will enable you to enter paradise [Tirmidhi 2826
A’ishah said: “The Prophet would never sleep until he had recited ‘az-Zumar’ and ‘Bani Isra’il’ (i.e., ‘al-Isra”).” [Tirmidhi, 'as-Silsilah as-Sahihah'; # 641]
It was narrated that Anas said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘Everything has a heart and the heart of the Qur’aan is Ya-Seen. Whoever recites Ya-Seen, Allaah will record for him the reward of reading the Qur’aan ten times.’” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2887. He said, It is not saheeh because of its isnaad, and its isnaad is da’eef (weak). Al-Albaani said in al-Da’eefah (169)
Narrated from Abu Hurayrah, which says that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allaah recited Ta-Ha and Ya-Seen one thousand years before He created the heavens and the earth. When the angels heard the Qur’aan they said, ‘Glad tidings to the nation to whom this will be revealed, and glad tidings to the hearts that will bear this, and glad tidings to the tongues that will speak these words.’” (Narrated by al-Daarimi, 3280. al-Albaani said in al-Da’eefah (1248):
On the authority of Anas bin Maalik رضي الله عنه that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “Whoever reads the last part of Surah al-Hashr then all his past and future sins will be forgiven.” [Ibn Hajar said in al-Khisaal al-Mukaffirah (1/66)
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