Monday, September 21, 2015

Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 139 Narrated byAbuHurayrah

Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: When the dead body is buried in the grave the person is made to sit in his grave without entertaining any fear or agitation in his mind then it is said (to him): Which (religion) did you profess. He would say: I had been (the follower) of Islam. It would be said to him: Who is this man? He would say: He is Muhammad (Messenger of Allah) who came to us with clear signs from Allah. We testified him. It would be said to him: Have you seen Allah. He would say: It is not (within the reach of men) to see Allah. Then an opening would be made for him towards the Hell Fire and he would see parts of it consuming other parts. It would be said to him: Look towards that from which Allah saved you. Then an opening would be made for him towards the Paradise and he would cast a glance at its freshness and what it contains. It would be said to him. This is your abode, because of your firm faith which you had, on which you died and your would be resurrected (in the same condition) if Allah so wills. The evil person would be made to sit in the grave in fear and anxiety. It would be said to him: What was your religion? He would say: I do not know. It would be said to him: Who is this person? He would say: I heard people saying something which I said. Then opening would be made for him towards Paradise and he would see its freshness and what it contains. It would be said to him: Cast a glance at that which Allah has withheld from thee. Then an opening would be made towards the Hell Fire and he would look at it (and find) some parts of it consuming the other. It would be said to him: That is your abode because of your scepticism which you had and on which you died and if Allah, Exalted, so wills you will be resurrected on it.

Transmitted by Ibn Majah.

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