Allah's Messenger
What is Islam?
Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 46 Narrated byAmr ibn Abasah
I came to Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) and said to him: Allah's Messenger, who are with you on this (sacred) mission? He said: Free man and slave. I said: What is Islam? He said: Pleasant talk and serving of food. I said: What is Iman? He said: Endurance and benevolence. I said: Which Islam is excellent? He said: One who safeguards a Muslim against (aggression) of his tongue, and hand. I said: Which faith is excellent? He said: Amiable disposition. I said: Which prayer is excellent? He said: Standing for a long time in humility (and devotion). I said: Which migration is excellent? He said: The one by which you abandon that which your Lord dislikes. I said: Which jihad (fighting in the way of Allah) is excellent? He said: That in which one has one's steed wounded and his blood is shed. I said: Which hour is most excellent? He said: The end of the darkest part of the night.
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said, Satan exercises his influence upon the son of Adam and so does the angel exercise his influence (upon him). The influence of Satan is that he holds the promise of evil and denial of truth. And the influence of the angel is that he holds the promise of good and the affirmation of truth. Thus he who perceives this (i.e. good promise) he should praise Allah and he who finds contrary to it, he should seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed. He then recited this verse: `Satan threatens you with the prospect of poverty and bids you to be indecent.' (2:268)
l-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 94 Narrated byUbadah ibn as-Samit
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: The first thing which Allah created was Pen. He commanded it to write. It asked: What should I write? He said: Write the Decree (al-Qadr). So it wrote what had happened and what was going to happen up to eternity.
l-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 94 Narrated byUbadah ibn as-Samit
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: The first thing which Allah created was Pen. He commanded it to write. It asked: What should I write? He said: Write the Decree (al-Qadr). So it wrote what had happened and what was going to happen up to eternity.
Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 96 Narrated byAbdullah ibn Amr
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) went out and he had in his hand two books. He said: Do you know what these two books are? We said: Allah's Messenger, we do not know but only that you inform us. Thereupon he said: This one which my right hand possesses is a Book from the Lord of the worlds. It contains the names of the inmates of Paradise and the name of their forefathers and those of their tribes. It is most exhaustive and nothing will be added to it nor anything eliminated from it up to eternity. He then said: This one in my left hand is a Book from the Lord of the worlds. It contains the names of the denizens of Hell and the names of their forefathers and their tribes. It is also exhaustive to the end and nothing will be added to it nor anything will be eliminated from it. The Companions said: Allah's Messenger, (if this is the case) then where lies the use of doing a deed if the affair is already decided. Thereupon he said: Stick to the right course and remain as close to it as possible for one who is to be inmate of Paradise would end his life by an act befitting the inmates of Paradise, no matter what he may have done and for one who is the denizen of Hell, his deed would end on that which is a deed of the denizens of Hell, no matter what he may have done (before). Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) then threw the books and making a gesture with his hand said: Allah has made a decision about His servants (a section will be in Paradise and a section in the blaze
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