Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Hafiz Ibn Taymiyya, whilst trying to prove that Allah is literally in the heavens, used the BIBLE as evidence where Allah has been referred to as a FATHER! (NAOOZUBILLAH); I quote:
وفي " الإنجيل " أن المسيح عليه السلام قال: لا تحلفوا بالسماء فإنها كرسي الله. وقال للحواريين: إن أنتم غفرتم للناس فإن أباكم - الذي في السماء - يغفر لكم كلكم.....
i.e. It has been reported in Injeel (Bible), that Esa (A.S) said to his people, don't take oath of the sky because that is the chair of Allah. And he said to his Hawariyyeen (followers), if you forgive people, then indeed YOUR FATHER who is in the sky will forgive all of you.

On the same page, he has further mentioned (quoting the bible):
وأبوكم الذي في السماء هو الذي يرزقهم ...

And your FATHER who is in the sky, is the one who gives you sustenance.
He then has mentioned, that testimonies regarding this are many!
ومثل هذا من الشواهد كثير...
This can be found in his book:
شرح حديث النزول صفحة ٦٠

 -Kitāb Maʿārif al-wuṣūl :Vol.01, page.60)(Darul Asimah Saudi Arabia

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